056c If any one tells you that any information about Hyksos is actually found in something the Egyptians wrote, they can direct you to the wall in Egypt and show you the text with the Egyptian word #$%^*& in it.
056d If the Egyptian word that translates to Hyksos is no where on the wall where they say there is information about Hyksos, they are full of themselves.
056e Many times words are generic, say the Egyptian word foreigners. This could not be used to identify Hyksos because every non Egyptian on every side of them would could be the foreigners in the context.
056f Let me step over the line here: It is my assertion that there are no statues in all of Egypt that has any text identifying it as a Hyksos. Now prove me wrong, show us.
056g On this page they wrote "The word "Hyksos" comes from heka khasewet, which means "foreign rulers".. gee wouldn't that include Cushites, Canaanites, Babylonians, Persians, Philistines... wouldn't that include every nation, tribe outside of Egypt?
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